Welcome to Hickory Oaks!
NEWS FOR END OF CAMPING SEASON 2025 – Updated 3/11/25:
- EXCITING NEWS FOR THOSE HEADING TO NORTHEAST WISCONSIN FOR THE 2025 NFL DRAFT THE LAST WEEK IN APRIL: Hickory Oaks will open the grounds the week of April 21st through April 27th with special event pricing during this one-time event. Hickory Oaks is a straight shot taking Interstate 41 to Green Bay and Lambeau Field (approximately 40 minutes). No tenting will be allowed. Contact the office via email (hickoryoaks@gmail.com) or phone, 920-235-8076 for more information.
- The upcoming regular 2025 season begins May 1, 2025, and will run though October 19, 2025.
- To save money, we ask customers to bring along cash for purchases from the office such as firewood, ice, firestarters, etc. Using cash will save the customer 3.5% versus using a debit or credit card. This is due to costs associated with credit card systems on the rise.
- STILL LOOKING FOR PART-TIME HELP FOR 2025 – This would be a great opportunity for a monthly tenant of Hickory Oaks! We are looking for part-time support for Cindy, the office manager, for this season. Duties include managing the office and computer system, and cleaning of the cabins and facility restrooms. We are willing to break down the responsibilities to cleaning as one option, and office support as another option. Contact the office via email (hickoryoaks@gmail.com) or phone, 920-235-8076 for more information.
Hickory Oaks is the kind of destination…
…for those looking for a retreat alternative in the Oshkosh area. While staying in the Fox Valley for the numerous music and sporting events, parks, museums, and downtown shopping experiences, Hickory Oaks provides an optional family camping environment. Imagine your family setting up camp nestled within a woods of majestic oak and hickory trees, surrounded on the east side by a spring-fed, 4-acre lake — and all within a few short miles of area entertainment!
We wholeheartedly welcome and value retiree “snowbirds” during the “kinder months” in Wisconsin, too!